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Palm Sunday Service

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

We begin the service on the steps outside the main doors, you can collect a palm cross with your service book. There is no sermon at this service, the Passion narrative according to Mark will […]

Maundy Thursday Service

Helsinki Cathedral Unioninkatu 29, Helsinki, Finland

We meet in Helsinki Cathedral Chapel, located in the small building to the right of the main cathedral steps. Welcome! Celebrant: The Rev'd Tuomas Mäkipää Preacher: The Rev'd Parvez Gill

Festival of Easter

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

The Easter equivalent of 'Nine lessons and Carols', come and enjoy specially selected readings and music for the season. St Nicholas Chamber Choir Erik Johannes Riekko, conductor

Choral Evensong: Third Sunday of Easter

Helsinki Cathedral Chapel Unioninkatu 29, Helsinki, Finland

A distinctive feature of the Anglican tradition, Choral Evensong is a solemn and prayerful service of chant, larger choral works written to specific texts which are included in every service (such as the Magnificat and […]

All-Age Service

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

Feast Day, Ascension of Christ

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

Service with Holy Communion takes place in Mikael Agricola Church at 10am, all are welcome.

Chaplain’s Farewell Lunch

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

Following the 10am service on Trinity Sunday we will be having pot-luck lunch in the crypt to bid Father Tuomas farewell.  This will be Tuomas' last Sunday at St Nicholas' before moving to Copenhagen to […]

All-Age Service

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

Welcome to our All-Age Service which we hold on a monthly basis during term-time. Children especially encouraged to participate in the service and we have a craft for little ones at the front of the […]

Sung Eucharist

Mikael Agricola Church Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki, Finland

Minister: The Rev'd Kati Pirttimaa