There are Anglican communities that meet regularly for worship in parts of Finland outside Helsinki.
The International Community of Christ the King (ICCK) Tampere offers regular worship in English on Sundays at 4pm in the Vanha Kirkko (Old Church) in the Central Square. The church posts updates on its Facebook page. The congregation is organised in cooperation between the Tampere Lutheran Congregations and the Anglican Church of Finland. Services follow the order of Common Worship, the prayer book of the Church of England.
The Turku Cathedral International Congregation holds regular worship services in English on Sundays at 4pm in the Turku Cathedral. The congregation is part of the Turku Cathedral Parish. Services generally follow the practices of the Church of England, but once a month, the congregation holds a Mass of Trust using Taizé songs. This service is conducted in Finnish and in English. More information and updates about services can also be found on the congregation’s Facebook page.