It has just been announced by Buckingham Palace that His Royal Highness Prince Philip, has died at the age of 99. He gave unstinting support to the Queen for 73 years and was the longest serving royal consort in British history. We give thanks for his long life and his work with multiple charities, including the 'Duke of Edinburgh Award' scheme for young people. We pray especially for Her Majesty the Queen, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as they mourn his loss.
May His Royal Highness rest in peace and rise in glory.
This Sunday's Service is led by Father Parvez, with Erik and a Quartet of singers providing the music. In order to live-stream our services each week we need more volunteers who would be willing to set up the technical equipment on a Sunday morning. Please let me know if you would be interested in helping us or would like more information - training will be provided! Father Tuomas has been on leave this week, and returns on Monday.
All of our Services can be viewed live on Facebook, or you can click this link to
10am Sung Eucharist online
Join us for a calm and reflective moment in the week, Thursday at 6.00pm. Click here to join us on zoom: Thursday Evening Prayer
To be recorded at Töölön kirkko and shared online. You can still view the Palm Sunday Choral Evensong on our YouTube channel here https://youtu.be/Jg1H3MbICOk
Coffee Morning on Zoom
Please join us for a friendly cup of coffee and a chat online after the Sunday service.
On Easter Sunday we were delighted to see Jessica and Jonathan from the UK, Angela, Diana, Linda & Otto!
Sunday School & Youth Group:
At Online Sunday School we listened to the Easter story and watched a wonderful Messy Church video about the meaning of the Cross - we were reminded of the crosses we see around us; on cards when people send kisses of love and on homework when we get answers wrong! The Easter Cross combines these...we are reminded of Jesus’ love and that we make mistakes, but through Jesus sacrifice we are forgiven. We then used watercolours and tape for our craft, followed by some dancing and prayer!
Pirjo Dillingham tells us about her voluntary work with the United Nations charity: 'UNICEF helped Finnish children after the war, especially in Lapland. And now it is time to help children in poor countries. I have been a voluntary worker in Espoo UNICEF for 30 years. We have a big group here now and we arrange card sales, especially at Christmas-time when we also sell handicrafts like dolls. At certain times we go round with collecting boxes and have the system to donate money with your card.' We look forward to supporting Pirjo with her charity work and hope to get more involved once we are back at church! https://www.unicef.fi/home/
to Virpi Paulanto who has graduated with a Master's Degree in Theology from Helsinki University!
Covid Update: Due to the ongoing pandemic, services will continue online until further notice. We will update you as and when we are able to welcome you back into Church again.
for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:
open the doors of our hearts,
that we may seek the good of others
and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,
to the praise of God the Father. Amen
This coming Sunday we pray for...
The Church of England: Diocese of Derby, Bishop Libby Lane, Bishop designate Malcolm Macnaughton The Church of Ireland: Diocese of Clogher, VacantThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Aalborg, Bishop Henning Toft Bro
Father Tuomas Mäkipää (050-3099132)
[Please use the contact emails provided]