Hello! You are reading the second edition of the new St Nicholas E-Newsletter. Welcome and hope you enjoy!
Sunday 1st March
Bishop David presided at Sung Eucharist
We were delighted to see three persons affirm commitment of their lives to following Jesus Christ.
Our Bishop David laid his hand on each individual head and asked God’s Holy Spirit to give them the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of their life.
Click the Facebook -link to see more pictures!
Wednesday 18th March
The Choral Evensong
As the day begins with Morning Prayer, so the day ends with an evening service of prayer and praise. Choral Evensong with the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer, at the Lutheran Cathedral Crypt at 18pm.
Sunday 22nd March
All Age Service For all the Church Family
An opportunity for people of all ages to come together, to learn from each other and grow together and recognize we need each other. Also introducing the new Service Sheets illustrated by children from Sunday school and Youth Group!
Sunday 22nd March
Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday was originally a time when people returned to the church, in which they were baptized or where they attended services when they were children. This meant that families were reunited as adults returned to the towns and villages where they grew up.
This Mothering Sunday we wish to especially welcome all of you, who have been attending our Sung Eucharist and participated in our events, but we have not seen you for a while. Come and visit us!
Bishop Robert’s Lent Appeal
New Music director
Erik Riekko will be our new music director from 27th February until Easter Sunday 12th April 2020.
Erik will rehearse and lead the Chaplaincy choir St Nicholas Singers, accompany, together with the Chaplaincy’s voluntary team, congregational singing during Sunday Eucharist and lead the choir in the Choral Evensong on 18th March 2020.
We give thanks to Laura Nurkka for her time and commitment and wish her all the best in working at one of the Lutheran parishes in Helsinki.
Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday 5th April Sung Eucharist 10am Mikael Agricola Church, Tehtaankatu 23
Maundy Thursday 9th April
Evening Prayer 6pm Solemn Eucharist of the Lord´s Supper and the Washing of Feet at 7pm Followed by the Watch Lutheran Cathedral Chapel, Senate Square
The Liturgy of Good Friday at 12am noon Time for silent prayer after the service The Chaplain is available to hear confessions Prayers at the Foot of the Cross Lutheran Cathedral Chapel, Senate Square
Easter Day, Sunday 12th April Festival Sung Eucharist 10am Pot-luck Dinner after the service Mikael Agricola Church, Tehtaankatu 23