Dear members of Saint Nicholas Anglican Church
Those of us active in the Council of St Nicholas agree that church attendance is vital to the health of your soul. Ft. Tuomas and Fr Parvez and the church Council are doing their best to insure that you will have a strong, viable church to return to this winter 2021.
Our ministers are continuing to hold services even though no one can be there. I am sorry that those of you who are unable (for one reason or another) to join this digital world are going to feel left out. We will be issuing our message and periodical news letters via the internet.
Everything that the council and wardens do is available to you. If you see something you don´t like, please let us know, only that the communication will be via e-mail. We will have an AGM in a few months. This will be the time to discuss with fellow congregants the issues that are affecting you.
2021 will continue to challenge us. A message from Fr. James Rosenthal. Vicar at St James the Great-Merton at Wimbledon: “ A follower of Jesus, this great man, called Nicholas, can help all of us. His name means victory. Victory over disease, greed, poverty, and more can well inspire us in these turbulent days of virus, injustice, and poverty.”
God´s blessings, your Warden Arne Laitinen
Dear community of St Nicholas Anglican Church,
I wish to say thank you for welcoming me to your community. I have resigned from this post from 31st January due to changes in my personal life. Serving you as the Office assistant has been most rewarding, learning and in many ways a very blessed time of my life. I was given a voice and a place to learn how to use it. I am forever grateful to the Council and Fr Tuomas for their support and trust. I look forward towards the future and all the new possibilities it holds. God so willing, I will continue being part or your community and also serving the wider Anglican community in Finland.
With blessings, Virpi Paulanto the Office Assistant
Be the light in the darkness
On Holocaust Memorial Day 27 January, we remembered the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi Persecution and in genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The Holocaust threatened the fabric of civilization, and genocide must still be resisted every day. Holocaust Memorial Day enables us to remember – for a purpose. We have a responsibility to work for a safer, better future for everyone.
This year’s theme for Holocaust Memorial Day is “Be the light in the darkness”. It is a call for us to act; to be aware of the different forms of "darkness´ which exist in the world, and to ´be the light´ in confronting that darkness.
Everyone can step up and use their talents to tackle prejudice, discrimination and intolerance wherever and whenever we encounter them. Prejudice and the language of hatred must be challenged by us all.
We can choose to be the light in the darkness in a variety of ways and places – at home, in public, and online. And, when working together with others, our lights become even more powerful.
We have updated our Contact information at the Website. To Contact the St Nicholas Anglican Church Chaplain, Churchwardens, Council or Safeguarding Officer, please click the link below.