Sunday Services on every Sunday
We invite you to our regular services of Sung Eucharist which take place on Sundays at 10:00am at the Mikael Agricola Church.
Vergers will greet you at the entrance and will guide you to your pew. They will give instructions when to move to receive Eucharist. The most notable difference to the previous is that the Eucharist is administered in one kind only (bread).
We have implemented music back into the service. We give thanks to our Director of Music Erik Riekko and the church choir. Music has such an important role in our service. Erik wrote in his blog: "Music is worship. For many people, it is the most intimate and powerful expression of their faith."
We are aware that not all of you are able to attend the church at the moment. Please do contact Chaplain if you wish to receive the communion at home (brought to you from the Communion celebrated at the Church).
Churches in the garden - an ecumenical event in Helsinki Thursday 3 September
We welcome you and invite you to the Churches in the garden, an ecumenical event Thursday 3 September at 5.30PM. Address: Fredrikintori, Punavuorenkatu 2, Helsinki. Event is organized by the Helsinki Ecumenical Committee.
We begin our ecumenical event with a Ecumenical Prayer Service. We will pray together for the Creation. After the service there will be coffee and music from different christian traditions.
from 1 September to 4 October, with Christian churches around the globe. We will unite with with one purpose: to steward the earth.
Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation
Climate Sunday on Sunday 27 September
We invite you to join our Sunday Service on 27 September. That day we will join in supporting the Churches together in England´s initiative "Climate Sunday".
We will respond to the Churches together in England´s invitation to hold a climate-focused service on 27th September to explore the theological and scientific basis of creation care and action on climate, to pray, and to commit to action.
Climate Sunday has been launched to provide a focus for churches across Britain and Ireland committed to action on climate change. It is organized by the Environmental Issues Network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, supported by charities including CAFOD, Christian Aid, Tearfund, A Rocha UK, and Operation Noah.
The Annual General Meeting Sunday 27
The Annual Chaplaincy Meeting (AGM) was to be held 23rd August. Unfortunately but understandably not made were able to attend. Though technically we could have proceed with the meeting, as there is no requirement for a quorum, it was decided to postpone the meeting. The new date for the meeting is Sunday 27th September after the Sung Eucharist in the Mikael Agricola Church.
Since the Coronavirus made it impossible for the Chaplaincies of the Diocese in Europe to hold their annual meetings the Bishop in Europe made what is called "The Bishop´s Instrument". It contains advice concerning the annual meetings and elections of church representatives and officials.
The Bishops´s Instrument states the time for holding an annual chaplaincy meeting is extended to 31st October. Chaplaincy church council representatives continue to hold office until the annual meeting of 2020.
Harvest Festival Sunday 27th
We will celebrate Harvest Festival Sunday 27 September taking into account the possible changes due to coronavirus situation in Helsinki. We will keep you informed.
If you wish to take part in preparations, please contact our Youth Officer Jane Caley.
Interfaith Webinar on Youth and Covid-19 on Wednesday 30 September
We invite you to join in an international interfaith webinar the Anglican Church in Finland is co-organizing with the CORE Forum in Finland, NAVI, a youth advocating group from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland, and the Dublin City Interfaith Forum in Ireland. Webinar will take place Wednesday 30 September at 5PM. More information and link to the zoom will be communicated closer to the date.
With this webinar we will bring together young adults (18+) with various faith backgrounds. The panelists and participants from Finland and Ireland will discuss and share their experiences with the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Our young generation has had to face pandemic´s significant impacts on their studies, social life and life events. This might have had significant consequences to their thoughts about the future, the world we live in, and even mental health issues. We will give space for young people´s voices and wish to hear what they wish to say.