The St Nicholas News

Looking back to September

Churches in the garden

Churches in the garden - event

The Churches in the garden, an ecumenical event took place at Fredrikintori, Punavuori. It was hosted by the Methodist Church and organized by the Helsinki Ecumenical Committee.
We began with a Ecumenical Prayer Service and prayer for the Creation.

After the service we enjoyed live choir music and coffee - in a very good company.

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    Ecumenical Council_seminar

    The Ecumenical Council in Finland AGM and seminar

    We hosted the annual general meeting of the Ecumenical Council in Finland. Day started with a seminar about Ecumenical commitment to climate action.

    Our Chaplain Tuomas welcomed participants.

      Ecumenical Council_welcoming
      The Anglican Church of St Nicholas's ladies made sure there was enough good coffee and tea for everyone. Thank you so much Cat and Rebecca!
      Ecumenical Council_ladies in the kitchen

      Harvest Festival

      We celebrated all the good things God has given us. Sunday school and Youth group participated in the service. We responded to the invitation to bring non-perishable food donations to be then taken to the Helsinki Salvation Army food bank.

        As a result - we donated over 50 kilos of food to be distributed to those less fortunate.

        Past the Pandemic - Interfaith Webinar
        on Youth and Covid-19

        The corona virus pandemic has affected the youth immensely in faith communities all over the world. We organized, as a continuation to the first webinar we co-organized in May this year, together with the National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland (CORE), Dublin City Interfaith Forum and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland’s youth advocacy group NAVI, a webinar for youth from different faith communities to share their thoughts via Zoom.

        Moderated brilliantly by Hajar Al-Kaddo, DCIF Youth Board Coordinator, the Panelists, Salma Heib (Muslim) and Roni Vatto (Evangelical Lutheran Christian) from Finland and Daniel Canning (Buddhist Youth) from Ireland shared their personal key lessons, insights and findings.

        Participants (total of 22, amongst them Joel from the Anglican Church of St Nicholas) found themselves inspired in many ways from the discussions. Key lessons highlighted was e.g. the importance of community spirit and physical connections shared in same space and place. "Covid19 has brought in a lot of new things, as well as taken away things" Roni said.

        Salma, together with Roni, highlighted the importance of being inclusive concerning the youth participation at the decision making boards. "We are the next old people" Salme said. Roni pointed out the importance of including youth representation to the leadership of a faith community.

          Moderator Hajar Al-Kaddo, DCIF Youth Board Coordinator.
          Roni Vatto, representative of the the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland’s youth advocacy group NAVI
          Salma Heib, representative of the National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland (CORE)
          The edited recording of this event will be published at the CORE Forum´s YouTube channel later this fall. We will share the link in our social media channels and Newsletter for everyone interested in listening and learning from the youth perspectives.


          You asked for my hands
          that you might use them for your purpose,
          I gave them for a moment,
          then withdrew them, for the work was hard.
          You asked for my mouth to speak out against injustice.
          I gave you a whisper that I might not be accused.
          You asked for my life that you might work through me.
          I gave a small part that I might not get too involved.
          Lord, forgive my calculated efforts to serve you
          only when it is convenient for me to do so,
          only in those places where it is safe to do so,
          and only in those who make it easy to do so.
          Lord, forgive me, renew me, heal me, nurture me, empower me, send me out as an instrument of your peace and justice
          that I might take seriously the meaning of servant-leadership. Amen.

          Joe Seramane, Christian Aid Lifelines, South Africa
          Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.
          (conflicting copy)