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Dear all,

This has been a very unsual start to the year. The COVID situation is much worse than before Christmas and we have been forced to re-introduce some measures to maintain safety during worship.

Our whole family has been in isolation since the beginning of the year but it looks like I can return to work on Tuesday 18th January.

A week of prayer for Christian Unity begins on Tuesday 18th January. The theme this year is “We Saw His Star in the East”. You may find prayer material to be used during the week from here: Worship and background material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org). Please download the booklet and have a look from page 22 onwards.

On that same Tuesday I shall be meeting the leaders of other Christian churches in Finland to discuss matters of common interest.

In this fragile and uncertain world, we look for a light, a ray of hope from afar. In the midst of evil, we long for goodness. We look for the good within ourselves, but so often we are overwhelmed by our weakness that hope fails us. Our confidence rests in the God we worship. God, in his wisdom, enabled us to hope for divine intervention; but we had not anticipated that God’s intervention would be a person, and that the Lord himself would be the light in our midst. This exceeded all our expectations. God’s gift to us is a ‘spirit of power, and love’. Not by relying on our own strength and ability are we drawn forward on the way to this perfect light, but rather by God’s Holy Spirit. In the midst of humanity’s darkness the star from the East shone. In it we see a light that penetrates the depths of the darkness that separates us from one another. The star’s light was not only an illumination at a particular historical moment but it continues to shine and change the face of history. Throughout the ages, and ever since the star first appeared, the world has come to know through the lives of Christ’s followers the hope that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. These give witness to God’s work in history, and to the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Despite the vicissitudes of history and the changing of circumstances, the Risen One continues to shine, moving within the flow of history like a beacon guiding all into this perfect light and overcoming the darkness which separates us from one another. The desire to overcome the darkness that separates us compels us to pray and work for Christian unity. (WCC: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022, day 1)

In Christ,



10am Eucharist
Celebrant & Preacher: Parvez Gill
Click here for Order of Service

Isaiah 62.1-5
1 Corinthians 12.1-11
John 2.1-11

Please note there is no coffee after the service until the end of January.
Services in Espoo are suspended until the covid situation improves.
Image of the Wedding at Cana from the altar of Keur Moussa Abbey, Senegal


See you on Zoom!

Sunday School and Youth Group resume online this Sunday at 10am and for the remainder of the month. A zoom link will be shared by email with parents. This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' first miracle at Cana. Please join us with a glass of water and something to add to it, such as juice or food colouring! We will also be sharing some magic tricks and talking about how these are different to miracles!
If you have a child aged 7 or over who would be interested in taking first Holy Communion classes then please contact Sarah at office@anglican.fi for more information. Classes will begin soon on zoom.


Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, all choral activities for January 2022 are cancelled.


Remembering Joan Eriksson - on Tuesday 8th February


You are welcome to meet us outside Espoo Cathedral on Tuesday February 8th at 5pm to say prayers at Joan's grave and light candles. February 8th is also Naistenpäivä (Women's Day) so this is a fitting day to pay tribute to a wonderful woman who did so much for our Church, and was a dear friend to many.
We had hoped to hold a memorial service at Mikael Agricola to coincide with Joan's anniversary of death this month, but sadly due to the pandemic this has to be postponed. In next week's newsletter there will be details of how you can contribute to a beautiful collection plate which we would like to buy in Joan's memory.

Council Meeting

The Church Council have their first meeting of the year on January 18th. We will be discussing the Annual Plan for 2022 so if you have some ideas for what you would like to see at St Nicholas' this coming year then please email us!

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This annual event reminds Christians of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). The theme for 2022 is the Epiphany, highlighting God’s invitation to all of humanity to a new covenant in the Incarnation of Christ. In the Eastern Churches, Epiphany is joined to the mystery of the Baptism of Christ, a baptism all Christians hold in common as testimony to their faith in the Son of God. The theme was selected by the Middle East Council of Churches and originates from the churches in Lebanon. Present times in Lebanon are extremely difficult and economically disastrous, made even worse by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can visit the website of Embrace the Middle East to see what actions you can take to be in solidarity with Christians of the Middle East. You can also follow ecumenical activities and services in Helsinki by visiting this facebook page: Helsinki Ecumenical Group Facebook Page

“We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him.”
— Matthew 2:2

Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Please send in any contributions or ideas for the newsletter to office@anglican.fi!


Sunday 16th January
Evensong at Töölön Kirkko - CANCELLED
18th-25th January
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
30th January
Sunday 27th February
Evensong at Töölön Kirkko
Wednesday 2nd March
Ash Wednesday
Sunday 13th March
Evensong at Töölön Kirkko
Sunday 27th March
Mothering Sunday
Thursday 14th April
Maundy Thursday
Friday 15th April
Good Friday
Saturday 16th April
Festival of Easter at St Nicholas,
An evening of readings, music & hymns
7pm in Mikael Agricola Church
Sunday 17th April
Easter Day


Your continued support is greatly appreciated, please consider donating towards our ongoing costs via our Donate buttons on our website or by means of a bank transfer using the details below:

Suomen Anglikaaninen Kirkko (The Anglican Church in Finland)
IBAN: FI73 3131 1000 3282 07

You can also use Mobile Pay to make a donation, using number 95789.


Heavenly Father,
at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son:
may we recognize him as our Lord
and know ourselves to be your beloved children;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Porvoo Prayer Calendar
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland: Diocese of Tampere, Bishop Matti Repo
Church of England: Diocese of Manchester, Bishop David Walker, Bishop Mark Ashcroft, Bishop Mark Davies


Father Tuomas Mäkipää (050-3099132)

Urdu Language Ministry: parvez.gill@anglican.fi
Father Gill Parvez

Arne Laitinen
Johnson Samuel

Lara McCoy
Ameena Noel
Ron Peake
Henry Rawstorne

Director of Music: erik.riekko@anglican.fi
Erik Johannes Riekko
Sunday School Team: office@anglican.fi
Jane Mayhew-Smith
Jayawin & Tino Jayapal
Sarah Tahvanainen

Safeguarding officer:safeguarding@anglican.fi
Arne Laitinen
Sarah Tahvanainen ( Safeguarding Assistant)

Office Manager: office@anglican.fi
Sarah Tahvanainen

Deanery Synod reps:
Linda Jämsen
Humaira John

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