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Dear all,

We are continuing preparations for Advent and Christmas. The Council met on Tuesday and discussed, among other things, about the Bazaar and the new restrictions - which do not change our plans dramatically. But in order to ensure a good experience for all, we do need your help. Please contact Sarah at the office or the Churchwardens, and let us know how you can help!

The days between All Saints’ Sunday and the First Sunday of Advent are known as 'Kingdom Season', this is a time when we are called to reflect on our place in the world and how Christ’s rule is and can be made visible in this world. Last Sunday’s act of remembrance invited us to look back at the sins which have caused so much suffering in this world. The service also encouraged us to look forward and to make a pledge to work for peace, justice, and reconciliation.

I wish to quote Queen Elizabeth II’s speech at the inauguration of the Eleventh General Synod of the Church of England. While these were addressed to the Synod, the words speak to all of us as we are preparing for Christmas and the new year:

“Of course, in our richly diverse modern society, the well-being of the nation depends on the contribution of people of all faiths, and of none. But for people of faith, the last few years have been particularly hard, with unprecedented restrictions in accessing the comfort and reassurance of public worship.
For many, it has been a time of anxiety, of grief, and of weariness.
Yet the Gospel has brought hope, as it has done throughout the ages; and the Church has adapted and continued its ministry, often in new ways - such as digital forms of worship.
St. Paul reminds us that all Christians are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation, and the deepening of relations across the great Christian traditions has been a continuing priority since the first General Synod in 1970.
At the beginning of this new Synod, my prayer is that the Lord’s blessing may be upon you as you embark on your deliberations; and that you will find inspiration in the joyous words of the hymn you sang this morning:

O Comforter, draw near,
within my heart appear,
and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.”



Most of our Services can be viewed live on Facebook, or you can click this link to
watch on our website: Worship With Us
SUNDAY 21st NOVEMBER- CHRIST THE KING, 1st Sunday before Advent

10am Eucharist.
Coffee is served in the crypt afterwards.
Order of Service

Daniel 7.9-10, 13, 14
Revelation 1.4b-8

John 18.33-37

6pm Evensong - Töölön kirkko
Adoration of The Magi, National Gallery of Art, Samuel H.Kress Collection

Join the Band for Christ the King!

Join the band this Sunday as we celebrate Christ the King! All ages and abilities welcome - enthusiasm is the only requirement! There will be a short rehearsal before the service at 9.10am.
Sunday's Hymns:
O Worship the King (551)
God is love: His the care (216)
Crown him with many crowns (137)
All Age Band


Christmas Bazaar 4.12.21


Rachel and I have done the shopping at Heino ready to set up the cafe! After a false start at Espoo Heino (which turned out to be just offices!) we drove to Vantaa Heino - using a list that dear Joan had used over the years. When stuck between which cups or cutlery to go for, we would think 'What would Joan choose?' ... and went for the more economical option! This year we have been careful to select environmentally friendly items and avoided plastic where possible as part of our commitment to the environment.

Please continue to spread the word and invite your friends, neighbours and colleagues to the Christmas Bazaar. You can share one of these links for more information:
Facebook link: Facebook Event St Nicholas' Christmas Bazaar
My Helsinki page: My Helsinki St Nicholas' Christmas Bazaar

Many thanks!

The Bazaar Web Shop has been updated for the last time - pureed pumpkin, mince pies and christmas puddings are back in stock! www.anglican.fi/shop
Sadly we won't be having a tombola/raffle this year due to lack of prizes, but hopefully we can reinstate it next year!

The cafe is always a big hit at the bazaar but at the moment we don't have enough volunteers to bake/cook food. These are some of the baked goods that sell well at the Bazaar: quiches, brownies or chocolate cake, carrot cake and scones! We also need at least one more volunteer to help in the cafe. Please get in touch if you can help!

We desperately need volunteers to run these stalls!
  • Christmas Cards Stall
  • Tombola
  • British Food Stall
Carol Singers
We are looking for a small trio or quartet of enthusiastic carollers to sing outside* the door to the crypt as people arrive for the Bazaar (*weather permitting!). No practice necessary, just festive spirit and a warm coat! Please let Sarah or Erik know if you are interested as soon as possible.

Setting Up
We also need helpers to set up early on Saturday morning!
St Nicholas' Christmas Bazaar (Poster (Landscape))

If you would like to sing in the choir for our annual festival of Nine Lessons and Carols then please get in touch with Erik. Rehearsals start on December 1st!

Nine lessons & carols.2 (1)


Last Sunday we talked about the causes of war, whether it is ever right to go to war and why it is important to remember those who fought for our freedom. We watched a video about the remarkable Christmas peace in 1914 when men from opposite sides of the war came together to share the peace of Christmas on the battlefield. Then we read Micah 4:2-3 where God promises that one day weapons of war will be turned into tools for peace. We turned our chenille wire weapons into peaceful tools - the kids came up with a spoon, scissors, box, clock, fork and smiley art!
The children made a wonderful wreath which was laid in front of the altar at communion.

This Sunday we invite our young people to take part in the All Age Service! On Sunday 28th November one of our activities will be assembling a Christmas tree for the Bazaar and making decorations for it!
remembrance 14.11.21
war weapons 1
war weapons
Sunday School takes place on Sundays at 10am in the crypt! Please wash and sanitize hands on arrival.


Please contact Erik at erik.riekko@anglican.fi if you have any questions about the choir.
takes place on the following Sundays at 18.00, Töölön Kirkko
21.11.2021, 5.12.2021, 16.1.2022


21st November
Evensong at Tööloön Kirkko
Saturday 4th December
Annual Bazaar!
Sunday 5th December
Evensong at Tööloön Kirkko
Wednesday 15th December
Service of Nine Lessons & Carols
Sunday 16th January
Evensong at Tööloön Kirkko


Your continued support is greatly appreciated, please consider donating towards our ongoing costs via our Donate buttons on our website or by means of a bank transfer using the details below:

Suomen Anglikaaninen Kirkko (The Anglican Church in Finland)
IBAN: F173 3131 1000 3282 07


God the Father,
help us to hear the call of Christ the King
and to follow in his service,
whose kingdom has no end;
for he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, one glory. Amen

Porvoo Prayer Calendar
Church of England: Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Bishop Martin Seeley, Bishop
Mike Harrison
Scottish Episcopal Church: Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney, Bishop Anne Dyer


Father Tuomas Mäkipää (050-3099132)

Urdu Language Ministry: parvez.gill@anglican.fi
Father Gill Parvez

Arne Laitinen
Johnson Samuel

Lara McCoy
Ameena Noel
Ron Peake
Henry Rawstorne

Director of Music: erik.riekko@anglican.fi
Erik Johannes Riekko
Sunday School Team: office@anglican.fi
Jane Mayhew-Smith
Jayawin & Tino Jayapal
Sarah Tahvanainen

Safeguarding officer:safeguarding@anglican.fi
Arne Laitinen
Sarah Tahvanainen ( Safeguarding Assistant)

Office Manager: office@anglican.fi
Sarah Tahvanainen

Deanery Synod reps:
Linda Jämsen
Humaira John

[Please use the contact emails provided]

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