April 2020

St Nicholas News

Churchwarden´s Easter Message

At this time of quarantine and social distancing I have been contemplating upon the reasons that bring us to Saint Nicholas church Sunday mornings.

How grateful I am to God that there is a duty to worship, a time to disregard my ego for at least a few moments. I am not always in the mood to pray. I do not always have vision and strength to say a word in the presence of God. But when I feel weak and my vision is dim, it is duty that gives me strength and insight.

Nothing is more important than going to church. Nothing is more important because we were created to worship God, not just individually, but communally. Together we are to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” and with angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven to proclaim the glory of God’s name.

Nothing is more important because going to church pulls us beyond our limited focus and narrow vision. When going to church infrequently we cut off even the possibility of being challenged to new spiritual growth. The challenge of belief, the call to love others of different ages and needs and viewpoints stretches us beyond ourselves.

Nothing is more important because each time we go to church we offer a visible witness - to the world and to the church - of the presence of the living God.

With thanks to the inspiration of Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams and Abraham Herschell

Hyvää Pääsiäistä!

Arne Laitinen

Chaplain's greetings

Dear friends,

We are entering into very different kind of Holy Week and Easter. This Sunday, 5th April, is the Palm Sunday when we have traditionally gathered at the church steps to hear how Jesus rode on a donkey to Jerusalem. The service has begun with words reminding us that during Lent we have been preparing by works of love and self-sacrifice for the celebration of our Lord's death and resurrection. And now we come together to begin this solemn celebration in union with the Church throughout the world. On Palm Sunday Christ enters his own city to complete his work as our Saviour, to suffer, to die, and to rise again. We are invited to follow him in faith and love, so that, united with him in his sufferings, we may share his risen life.

So begins the Holy Week. The first Holy Week, when the Disciples followed Christ to Jerusalem, was a time of great anxiety and uncertainty mixed with hope and joy. No one really knew how things would evolve.

This time of pandemic is a new territory for us as a church and society. There is no public services in churches and many business is closed. Many have been instructed to self-isolation and we are all asked to observe social distancing.

The Sunday week from here, 12th April, is the Easter Sunday. Its message is that of resurrection joy and hope. The Easter, which we celebrate on this Sunday, is celebrated in churches every Sunday as we gather together. Every Sunday, as indeed Easter, is the day of Lord. In the middle of this pandemic it is perhaps good to be reminded about God’s future.

Chaplain Revd Tuomas Mäkipää

Holy Week and Easter Day

On Palm Sunday, 5th April
The Service can be followed via facebook at 10 a.m. www.facebook.com/anglicanchurchinfinland (no need for registration).
As an option, you may consider of making a Spiritual Communion when unable to attend the celebration of the Eucharist. Please find the prayers of Spiritual Communion here.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of Holy Week, at 6 p.m
Chaplain will be holding an online meeting to those who have an access to online services. There’s a meditation based on the Stations of the Cross on each evening. You may join these events by Zoom. By clicking the following link, a small applet is downloaded to your computer and you are able to join the event. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/504226606

Maundy Thursday, 9th April
Maundy Thursday service is streamed from the Cathedral Chapel at 7 p.m. Please follow our facebook page. The service finishes with the Gospel of the Watch.
You may consider to keep a short Agape or Love Feast with your family (especially if you are not able to join in online streaming) on Maundy Thursday evening. Please find the order of service at the end of this Newsletter.
As an option, you may consider of making a Spiritual Communion when unable to attend the celebration of the Eucharist. Please find the prayers of Spiritual Communion here.

Good Friday, 10th April

The Liturgy of Good Friday is streamed from the Cathedral Chapel at 10 a.m. Please follow our facebook page.

Easter, Sunday 12th April
Easter Day service is streamed from Mikael Agricola Church at 10 a.m. Please follow our facebook page. As an option, you may consider of making a Spiritual Communion when unable to attend the celebration of the Eucharist. Please find the prayers of Spiritual Communion here.


Holy Week and Easter - Activities for families

Sarah Tahvanainen, our Sunday School teacher, has gathered lovely ideas for families.
Here is an idea for every day!

Make an Easter Garden – grow some grass seed on a large plate.
Once the grass has grown add a flowerpot for the tomb, a small piece of white cloth
to put inside, a large stone, a cross made from twigs and twine, and a candle.
Roll back the stone on Easter Day!
Alternative Easter Gardens – use lettuce for the grass and vegetables to create the tomb, flowers and cross! Or make a similar scene using biscuits, icing and sprinkles!

Make an Easter Tree together – decorate willow branches with feathers, ribbons, and pompoms. You could also make an Easter wreath for your door using the same materials.

Watch a 26min Easter animation on Youtube – search for
The story of Easter – The Beginner’s Bible

For older children/youth: If you have Spotify or another music download app, make an Easter playlist for your family. Try exploring different types of Christian music. Please let us know which is you or your family’s favourite hymn/song to listen to during Holy Week. Send your list to Sarah and we will then compile a list to share on our facebook site.

Find out how Easter is celebrated in other countries and why it is celebrated on different days!

Re-create the last Supper using lego/duplo/playmobil. Look at this Picture here as an example

Make hot cross buns for Good Friday. There are lots of recipes online. Click here for one example.
You can also have fun making them out of playdough/salt dough. Click here for one example.

How many words can you make from the word ‘EASTER’? I got 19 words…how about you?

Hold a Resurrection Scavenger Hunt in your house or garden. There are lots on the internet.
Click her for one example.

PLEASE SEND Sarah PHOTOs of your Easter Garden and Easter Tree before Easter Saturday to share on our facebook site!


An Agapé or Love Feast is a way of breaking bread together as Jesus did with people in all sorts of settings. You may like to join in at home with some bread and wine or juice.
Giving Thanks

We have bread and wine,
gifts of this good earth,
enough for all, if we can share!
Gracious God we give you thanks
for all the many blessings in our lives
and ask that you would bless us now
as we share your good gifts
in Jesus’ name.
Breaking Bread

Loving God, you provide enough for everyone:
this earth is fertile, fruitful and abundant,
but we are sometimes greedy, wasteful and selfish.
Many go hungry despite our plenty,
many are left outside while we enjoy a feast.
But on the hillside, in the wilderness,
with five thousand and more hungry people,
Jesus took the bread that they had,
broke it and gave thanks to you.
He shared the bread,
so that no one should be left out,
and they all ate and were satisfied.
Blessed be God forever!
Blessing Wine

Hurting God, you hurt with our pains,
you weep with our tears;
when you see how we struggle and suffer.
You long for our peace, yet we so often make war.
You long for our healing and wholeness,
yet we so often turn away from you.
But at a wedding in Cana when the wine ran out,
Jesus asked them to fill the empty jars with water,
and by your grace, water became wine,
sadness was turned to joy,
and all were able to share in the best wine of all.
Blessed be God forever!
Sharing Together

Dreaming God,
you long for us to dream your dream,
of a world at peace, a people made one,
a feast for all;
where bread is broken and shared with companions on the road,
where wine is blessed
and shared with all who are hurting,
and all are caught up together
in the Kingdom of your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
The bread can be shared, using the words:
Bread for the world to share.

The wine can be shared using the words:
The best wine, saved till now.
Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God we thank you,
for your abundant love in creation,
your compassionate, healing touch in our hurting,
your inspiration for our venturing.
Thank you for bread, and wine to share.
Give us grace to follow
in the footsteps of your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

God who longs for our healing,
meet us in our hurting,
with your compassion.
Jesus who stands with us,
touch us in our brokenness,
that we may be made whole.
Spirit who anoints us with power,
fill us with your grace,
that we may reach out to others.
The blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Be with you, now and for ever.

Chris Thorpe
Dancers and Wayfarers
Canterbury Press 2020