Approximately 1000 British citizens have still not applied for their right of residence in Finland. The deadline to do this under the Withdrawal Agreement is tomorrow, on Thursday 30th September. This also applies to those British citizens who arrived in Finland before 1995 and have their residence permit based on pre-EU Finnish legislation. They are asked to change their type of residence permit to maintain the right of free movement in EU and easy entry to Finland. Some of these people have no certificate, have an old paper copy or, had their (now expired) passport stamped when moving here.
I have had several phone calls on this matter this week. Please ask British citizens you know if they have completed their application, the easiest way is to do it at enterfinland.fi. Once your application is in, your rights are secured. You can also find information at Migri.fi
Tuomas Mäkipää, Anglican Chaplain
tuomas.makipaa@anglican.fi 050-3099132