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Dear Friends,

Father Tuomas and his family have unfortunately been laid low by the flu this week, and we wish them a speedy recovery.

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our All Age Service last week, we ran out of service booklets which we have taken as a good sign! The season of Creation continues and we have a short walk planned for after the service - do join us if you can. Please remember to send your photos of 'a Fruitful Harvest' to Henry, our Environment Officer, by the end of the month.

My thanks to Diana W and Peter J for their wonderful contributions for today's newsletter.

Best wishes


Most of our Services can be viewed live on Facebook, or you can click this link to
watch on our website: Worship With Us
10am Sung Eucharist followed by refreshments in the crypt /or join our Parish walk by the sea to Cafe Carusel!

Order of Service

Numbers 11.4-6, 10-16
James 5.13-20.

Mark 9.38-50
chroma“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.” (1)

Enjoy a walk together after the Service this Sunday!

As part of the Season of Creation we are heading outside after Church to enjoy some sea air and wonderful views! We meet straight after the service on the steps outside the main entrance. Our short walk takes us to Cafe Carusel via the PURPLE route on the map along Laivurinkatu (approx 500 metres). Once we have reached our destination please stay for a while to enjoy the view and perhaps a coffee from the cafe! There is a playground nearby for parents with children. To get back to Church turn back left along Laivurinkatu.
(If you would like a longer walk you can take the yellow route - turn right, walk to the end of the street, turn left, walk to the end of that street (which leads to the sea) and then turn left and have a walk in the park along the sea, until you reach Carusel.)
We need greeters, readers, intercessors and technical assistants each week for our Sunday Services. Please email office@anglican.fi with the date(s) you can volunteer and preferred role.


Welcome to St Nicholas' Harvest Festival 3.10.21
The Season of Creation culminates with our Harvest Festival on Sunday 3rd October!
Please join us next week as we celebrate Harvest Festival! Each year we collect food donations those in need. Offerings need to be non-perishable and all items must be in date. Here are some examples of the food that is most needed:

Tinned food (meat, fish, soup, beans, lentils)
Rice / Pasta / Couscous
Instant food such as noodle cups
Cooking oil
Potato flour
Milk powder
Tea /Coffee/Hot chocolate powder

Deck the Halls...its time to prepare for the Christmas Bazaar!

Preparations have begun for the Annual Christmas Bazaar, which takes place in the crypt on December 4th! We are organising the online shop (selling popular British goods), which we hope to have up and running mid October! The Bazaar is our most important fundraiser but also a chance to share community spirit - so please spread the word far and wide to your friends, colleagues and neighbours! We will shortly have flyers and posters to share.

We need....
  • Volunteers to cook and bake - quiches, chocolate brownies, carrot cake, and scones sell very well!
  • People to help run the Cafe
  • Help running stalls for the sale of food, tombola, and Christmas cards
  • Helpers to set up before the Bazaar and helpers to clean up afterwards
  • Tombola Prizes*
*This year we are trying a tombola instead of a raffle! Please help us collect some great prizes - donations to the tombola can include anything from bottles of wine and chocolates to freebies, kitchenware (unused/new), tickets to the theatre or cinema, trial gym membership, ferry tickets...the more prizes we have the better! Please contact Sarah or one of the Churchwardens if you have a prize to donate.
Gardeners Corner (2)
Greetings again from Puistola! We very narrowly avoided our first autumnal frost on Weds and indeed the morn was a wee parky. How about you? Meanwhile my son and family left today for Champagne in NE France where temps are currently c.24c! Maybe they won't need two eggs for breakfast because one egg is un oeuf!! We have just had a beautiful week at our kesämökki near Pori which Pimma shares with her siblings. We enjoy playing practical jokes on each other! But how about...
Gardening at the mökki. There is a good case for keeping it limited and not disturbing the precious natural environment. Enjoy the peaceful ambience and just watch and listen! In Puistola we suffer the constant racket of Kehä3 so the serenity of Pohjanmaa is a blissful medication. On Monday our hearts bounced for joy when three young loons/kuikka finally managed to lift off and start their long journey south. Last year there was one who could not and his sad mournful croak echoed round the lake. So sad! What to grow..if you must? A few pots of herbs like parsley, dill, basil or lettuce 'Salad Bowl' all of which can resprout. Pimma's sister had a go at potatoes in black jätesäkit...a moderate yield was evident. You just need a watering roster! You could also try some smaller bulbs like Narcissus TeteaTete where the soil depth will allow c.8cm. Why do gardeners plant bulbs anyway? Sothat the worms can see where they are going! The best productive activity is picking all those marvellous forest fruits and now is still the time for ever faithful lingonberries /puolukka. Also we were fortunate to find funnel chanterelle/supilovahvero...a real gem. Conveniently you cannot mix it up with other dodgy species. Incidentally why do fungi have to pay double bus fares? Because they take up too mushroom!

Time to dig! Yes it's here again. You need lots of juicy rotted compost, lawn mowings and leaves..loads of them. If you want more don't be shy to beg them from neighbours! Masses of good leaves end up in rubbish bins! Go get 'em, so says this crafty scrounger! Once you have them they are your 'game changer'. You can cover all the patches to be dug with a hearty layer of leaves which can then prevent Jack Frost from locking you out. Cover your compost heap as well. All October, November and even some of December thus remain available for digging! I hope you have been able to save any dry wood ashes over the past year.

Tips for Digging:
1. Have a good strong flat tipped spade for turning the soil over and a pointed/pistolapio to break up the soil below
2. Cut the first spit/trough and save this soil nearby where the last spit will be..on a plastic sheet which also covers the soil pile
3. Fill each spit sequentially with a) twigs for drainage b) leaves..plenty c) ashes d) rotted compost e) soil from next spit
I like to do a modest spit width of c.80cms at a time..feels psychologically easier and better for the ancient back! Use a light robust c.25cm plywood plank to stand on, otherwise the spit wall might collapse. There you go! You can pause whenever you want!

I am hoping my grandson Thomas will become a keen gardener. He has got off to a good start by attending a kindergarden.
Adieu from Puistola! Peter K
Soups to warm the Soul

Our recipe feature is back! This time we are sharing some wonderfully healthy and warming soups for the Season of Creation.

If you have a recipe to share then please email Sarah at office@anglican.fi
Thank you to Diana Webster for sharing her recipe...

Carrot & Orange Soup - Diana Webster

About 6 months ago I decided to try creating some soups from the rolls of pureed vegetables one can buy in the shops. I love soup but my old hands no longer like chopping much, which is often needed when making soups. I experimented with three different veggie rolls and enjoyed them so much that I copied out the recipes for my busy children. They are each enough for about 4 people, but any left-overs can always be frozen. All of the soups are very easy to make, healthy and very nourishing. The first one is shared below...

(The great delight of this easy, delicious soup is that the real work – the chopping, cooking and pureeing of the main ingredient – has been done for you)

1 roll of pureed carrots (organic or not)
3-4 inches of white leek (or small onion)
1 vegetable stock cube
A tumbler or more of water
3 potatoes chopped in quarters or 3 or 4 cooked ones
About a tumbler of orange juice
The juice and rind of half an organic lemon
White pepper and salt to taste
Fresh basil or mint leaves to scatter on top if liked

Chop leek across width into thinnish rolls. Fry in half tablespoon oil and half of butter in large saucepan till transparent. Add hot water and stock cube and stir till cube has dissolved. Throw in chopped potatoes or cooked ones. Add carrot puree (be careful, it easily squirts everywhere out of its casing). Stir. Add rind and juice of the lemon. Simmer till potatoes are cooked or you think the soup is (10-15 mins). Use mixing stave or similar to turn it into a puree, adding more boiling water if you want it thinner. Taste for more seasoning. Pour into cups or bowls and scatter basil leaves or mint on top if you want. You can also add a dessertspoon of honey earlier to this soup if you find you like it with a slight hint of sweetness

Look our for more of Diana's soups in the coming weeks (Beetroot & Potato with feta and Jerusalem Artichoke with Bacon)

Photo Competition

'A Fruitful Harvest' 1 week left to enter!

Last chance to enter our Photography Competition! We are looking for photos which capture a 'fruitful harvest'. Think berries, mushrooms as well as vegetables and fields of crops!

Entrants should send photos as JPEGs or similar files to henry.rawstorne@gmail.com by 30.9.21.
Henry will be making a YouTube video using the best images as in previous years!
(Henry is our Environmental Officer on the Council)


Last Sunday's All Age service focused on renewing God's creation as a home for all. In front of the altar we set up 'Abraham's tent' as a symbol of hospitality and welcome to all of God's creation. The tent was covered with pictures the children had drawn of animals at risk of extinction, plants and trees, as well as signs highlighting those who are without refuge - the homeless, the displaced, the poor, refugees. The warning symbols showed how human actions are endangering our common home - from climate change to war and deforestation. Inside the tent we had biblical passages and candles as a symbol of hope - God is with us as we try to renew his creation to what it was intended to be ... a home for All.
The Youth Group also acted out their own modern version of the Good Samaritan, which they had written, encouraging us to see the image of God in one another. Children from Sunday School and Youth Group also led the intercessions and we had wonderful music by 'The Two Joels'. The hymns we sang were very poignant ..'when God made the garden of creation He filled it full of His love' and 'Think of a world without any flowers..'
Our tent was a great talking point after the service and the congregation enjoyed gathering around to look at what the children had produced. You can see some of our photos below or in this compilation video: https://fb.watch/8c4oh6XYxg/

This Sunday children from Sunday School and Youth Group will be preparing for Harvest Festival and decorating boxes to receive food donations.

Sunday School takes place on Sundays at 10am in the crypt! Young people aged 11 and above are kindly asked to wear a mask, as are parents accompanying their children. Please wash and sanitize hands on arrival. Sunday School meets at the far end of the crypt and Youth Group meets near the crypt entrance.


Youth Group meets this Sunday at 10am in the crypt.
There will be joint sessions with Sunday School on 26.9 & 31.10.
Exciting News! The Diocese in Europe is organising a Youth Alpha course online, starting on 3rd October at 20.00 Helsinki time.

If your children are interested, they can sign up here. Please also inform Jane or Sarah if you have a young person signing up to the course.


Please contact Erik at erik.riekko@anglican.fi if you have any questions about the choir.

Evensong rehearsal is next Thursday 30th September at 6pm, in the band room!

takes place on the following Sundays at 18.00, Töölön Kirkko
3.10.2021, 21.11.2021, 5.12.2021, 16.1.2022

COVID guidelines when coming to worship at St Nicholas


We continue to practice social distancing at Church and masks and hand sanitizer are available on arrival. Those with symptoms of Covid-19 or other respiratory or flu-like illness, or an elevated temperature, or who are particularly vulnerable to infection should not attend public services.
Please wear a mask on entering the Church and wait to be directed by the Verger to your seat.


Sunday 3rd October
Harvest Festival
Evensong at 6pm, Töölön Kirkko
Sunday 10th October
Bishop's visit, Confirmation Service, & 'Pot luck' lunch
Sunday 14th November
Remembrance Sunday
Saturday 4th December
Annual Bazaar!
Wednesday 15th December
Service of Nine Lessons & Carols


Your continued support is greatly appreciated, please consider donating towards our ongoing costs via our Donate buttons on our website or by means of a bank transfer using the details below:

Suomen Anglikaaninen Kirkko (The Anglican Church in Finland)
IBAN: F173 3131 1000 3282 07


Gracious God,
you call us to fullness of life:
deliver us from unbelief
and banish our anxieties
with the liberating love of Jesus Christ our Lord

Please continue to keep in your prayers the troubled places of our world

Porvoo Prayer Calendar
Church in Wales: Diocese of Swansea and Brecon, Archbishop John Davies
Church of England: Diocese of Leicester, Bishop Martyn Snow, Bishop Guli Francis-Dehqani


Father Tuomas Mäkipää (050-3099132)

Urdu Language Ministry: parvez.gill@anglican.fi
Father Gill Parvez

Arne Laitinen
Johnson Samuel

Lara McCoy
Ameena Noel
Ron Peake
Henry Rawstorne

Director of Music: erik.riekko@anglican.fi
Erik Johannes Riekko
Sunday School Team: office@anglican.fi
Jane Mayhew-Smith
Jayawin & Tino Jayapal
Sarah Tahvanainen

Safeguarding officer:safeguarding@anglican.fi

Office Manager: office@anglican.fi
Sarah Tahvanainen

Deanery Synod reps:
Linda Jämsen
Humaira John

[Please use the contact emails provided]

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